Hello I'm


FullStack Developer

Prospective Web and Mobile Developer


About Me

Creative & Prospective Web and Mobile Developer!

I'm Ngoni Katsidzira.

A current student at Harare Institute of Technology


What I am good at

My Skills

Mobile Development

I make mobile apps for Android with Java, and both Android & iOS devices with React Native.

Web Development

I design and create websites and Web Apps with JavaScript (React.js & Express.js)

Backend API Development

I design and create backend APIs with JavaScript & Node.js

Desktop App Development

I design and create desktop apps with JavaScript and Electron.js


Personal & Collaboration Projects

Assignment Manager Mobile App
Assignment Manager

Checkout the App Gallery.

Kayz Music Mobile App
Kayz Music App

Checkout the App Gallery.

Expense Tracker Mobile App
Expense Tracker App

Checkout the App Gallery.

Cryptocoin Mobile App
Cryptocoin App

Checkout the App Gallery.

HIT Alumni Website
HIT Alumni Website

Checkout the App in action.

Korvo mobile app
Korvo (Notes & Todo) App

Checkout the App in action.

Todo mobile app
Todo Mobile App

Checkout the App in action.

Random Color generator
Random Color Generator for projects.

Checkout the App in action.

Restaurant Menu
Restaurant Menu Page UI

Checkout the App in action.

Contact Me!

If You Want To Get In Touch.

I'm a Prospective & Aspiring Web and Mobile Developer - creating bold and innovative apps for the people all across the world.

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Copyright © 2023 by Ngoni Katsidzira. All Rights Reserved.